You Said Yes!
What just happened
Congratulations on making your first step to an amazing journey!
"You just got saved!" "You are born-again."
These are statements you hear a lot around the church, but what do they mean? Simply stated, because man fell into sin he needed a savior. None of us has ever lived a good enough life to deserve a place in heaven. Because God loved us He sent Jesus, His only Son, as a sacrifice to save us from our sin. Jesus literally died in our place. When we accept the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ as the truth and confess that with our mouth, God forgives our sins and we become a child of God. Instantly we are changed and our past is erased.
So, if you died now you would go to Heaven, but if you don't die right now (and you probably won't), then what about living a successful life now?
Your Next steps
Someone once said, "Getting saved is easy. It's staying saved that is challenging." There may be some truth to that statement. It is true that some people start out to serve the Lord but don't continue. Why not? It is usually because they think getting saved is an accomplishment instead of a whole new lifestyle. That would be like thinking that getting married means you will be assured of a long, happy life together. It doesn't just happen. The secret is to keep going. Remember, God will always do His part. He will never "unsave" you. You are His child!
So your next steps will be what you do from now on. To help you out, we've created a 7 day journey for you to learn more about Christ and what to expect in the coming days.
Click on the link below to get your E-Booklet and continue this amazing Journey